Friday, August 28, 2009


Today was my day I could have slept in but of course I woke up at 8:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. Went to lunch with my mom (a Friday ritual) and then we went and saw "Inglorious Basterds." We both enjoyed the movie and it actually had a lot of funny parts. One thing I do hate though is how the movie trailers are for next March or Summer 2010...I get excited about seeing some of them and then it's like, not until next year!

On the way home we got to use the Jimmie Davis Bridge because it has been re-opened and I cannot express how happy I am that they didn't lie and actually finished the project on time. It still looks rusted and horrible but I don't even care because I am sooo sick of having to detour when I live so close to the JDB. My gas tank will be happy too!

I have had bad luck with technology lately. Last night my iPhone started acting crazy and my apps all turned to gray boxes. I went to and couldn't find any information on the problem so posted a question in one of the forums. I got a few responses of things to try and nothing worked. So my phone is still acting crazy.
My dad ordered a new laptop for me in July (my current one is six years old and very outdated) and it was supposed to arrive before August 18. I was excited because that was perfect timing for the new semester. Of course, that didn't happen! The FedEx tracking information had the package scheduled to be delivered on August 14 and that day came and went. My dad called FedEx and they said the package had been "lost." We think someone probably stole the laptop. My dad called Dell and got someone who could barely speak English and said that they would ship a new computer and we should have it in one week. A week went by and it didn't arrive. Dad called again and got someone fluent in English who said that they hadn't even shipped it yet and the other person my dad had spoken to didn't know what he was talking about. So, last we heard the laptop is scheduled to be express-shipped on Sept. 2 and arrive that Friday. Hopefully this time I will actually get my computer! This has been such a pain.

I'm glad it's the weekend and will hopefully have a relaxing day tomorrow (after finishing my Diagnostic essay, of course!). Alright, well it's time for me to Kirby the house and bathe the doggies.

my babies

Since I talk so much about my doggies, here they are! =) Snuggles is the 4-year-old Bichon Frise and Isabella is the 1-year-old Black Lab.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First week of school...

So the first week of this semester is coming to an end and I have to admit it hasn't been all that bad. I'm taking 21 hours (the first time for that) and even though I spent close to seven hours doing homework yesterday alone, the week hasn't been as bad as I expected. I'm so relieved that there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel and I can see a graduation date! If everything goes as planned it will be August 2010 and I can't wait! Even though I'm a little burnt out on school I am going to apply to LSUS's graduate MBA program for next fall. It wouldn't hurt on my resume when I get out into the professional world. =)

Recently, I've gone from working 4-5 days a week to just Sundays. It's weird, but I can definitely see that I need all of that extra time to work on my school assignments! I'm so glad to have the opportunity to only work once a week (thanks J). After a few years of changing schools, changing my major, and just being unmotivated I am definitely the opposite of that now! I've been planning out my spring and summer semesters to a T and even the graduate classes that I haven't applied to yet. My boyfriend even said I was a little obsessed! Hopefully everything works out the way I have planned.

Well, my dog Snuggles (Bichon Frise) is taking a nap next to me and I think I'm going to do the same...